Legality of the EPA – Legal Newsletter

The otection Agency was established when a river that ran through America United States caught on fire 13 times over the course of a century due to a lack of waste disposal or sewer rules. These and other concerns resulted in the development of regulations to safeguard Earth.

The EPA Guidelines were created to protect our land as well as air and water. The EPA guidelines permit they to set pollution standards and to enforce these standards throughout the world. The EPA offers grants to solve environmental challenges, develop partnership with corporations, as well as educate the public on this crucial issue.

They’ve regulated car emissions and cleaned up waste that is toxic and created protections for the Ozone layer, increased recycling, and so much more. The laws they enforce are necessary if we want to live as an entire species. They have to be followed and enforced to the fullest extent of our might. If you’re interested in learning more about what the work that EPA does to protect you and the environment, you can go to their site, or click along with this video for the most in-depth understanding of the way in which the EPA operates.


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